Water@UW-Madison hosted the first “Posters on Ice” session at the Clean Lakes Alliance Frozen Assets Festival on Saturday, February 2, 2019. A total of eight groups representing 11 departments, programs, and organizations braved slush and cold, wet feet to share their water projects with the broader Madison community on a frozen Lake Mendota. After a week of snow and extreme cold as bitter as -48F with the wind chill, Madisonians responded to Saturday’s sun and 30F temperatures by turning out to the winter festival in droves. Response to the experimental event was very positive, with multiple visitors thanking us for bring science to the public in this unusual and eye-catching display.
Poster presenters
Fish of Wisconsin
Martin Perales on lake water levels
Posters on Ice
Dom Ciruzzi talks hydroecology
Posters on Ice
Ben Peterson talks freshwater mussels
Wisconsin Freshwater Mussels and Clams
Posters on Ice
Holly Embke on Walleye
Fish of Wisconsin
Posters on Ice
Fish of Wisconsin
Posters on Ice
Posters on Ice
Featured Posters
- Hydroclimate Extremes Research Group | Dr. Daniel Wright, Dr. Zhe Li, Guo Yu, Chris Bosma, Sam Hartke, Yihan Li | Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
- Safe operating space for walleye | Holly Embke and Dr. Jake Vander Vanden | Center for Limnology
- Environmental Biogeochemistry at UW-Madison | Sarah Balgooyen, Emma L. Trainer, Marissa Kneer, Madeleine Mathews, Lily Schacht, Sarah Dance, Morgan Sanger, Amy Plechacek, Marie Dematatis, and Dr. Matthew Ginder-Vogel | Environmental Chemistry and Technology Program and Departments of Civil & Environmental Engineering and Geological Engineering
- Degradation of organic contaminants in natural and engineered aquatic systems | Devon Manley Bulman, Sarah Balgooyen, Emma Leverich Trainer, Stephanie M. Berg, Reid Milstead, Amber White, and Dr. Christina K. Remucal | Environmental Chemistry and Technology Program and Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
- Hydroecology Research Group | Dominick Ciruzzi, Carolyn Voter, Arthur Ryzak, William Avery, Dr. Eric Booth, and Dr. Steve Loheide | Departments of Civil & Environmental Engineering and Geological Engineering and the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies
- Microbiomes of freshwater lakes and engineered wastewater systems | Elizabeth McDaniel, Amber White, and Dr. Katherine (Trina) McMahon | Microbiology Doctoral Training Program, Environmental Chemistry and Technology Program, and Departments of Civil & Environmental Engineering and Bacteriology
- Tackling Wisconsin and Great Lakes science and policy challenges through new state fellowship opportunities | Yi Liu, Elizabeth Tristano, Stephanie DeVries, and Francisco Guerrero-Bolaño | University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute, Wisconsin Water Resources Institute, Wisconsin Coastal Management Program, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, and Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey