Water@UW-Madison will host their annual Spring Symposium on Monday, May 5, 2025 from 2-5 pm. The Symposium theme is The Art of Water Research.
There are many definitions of art, all of which are intended and represented in the theme of this year’s Water@UW symposium These definitions include but are not limited to “a branch of learning,” “skill acquired through practice or study,” and “works produced by human creative skill and imagination appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.”
This event will span the broad scope of work happening within the Water@UW network with the goal to highlight the commonalities in process, thought, and beauty of results across disciplines of water research. Presenters who wish to go beyond traditional talk formats to convey the art of their process (how they do water research) and the art of their results (where is the beauty in their work) will be welcomed and encouraged.
We aim for the event to inspire creativity, reveal new perspectives or interpretations of results, and promote an appreciation of the beauty in both water and water research. Through keynotes, lightning presentations, and structured networking time, this event will bring together members of the Water@UW community and beyond and provide opportunities to draw inspiration from the creative approaches each of us bring to our science and art.
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