Katie Hein
Position title: Aquatic Research Scientist, UW Trout Lake Station, Center for Limnology
Email: clhein@wisc.edu
- Research Summary
- I am an aquatic research scientist working at UW Trout Lake Station. My work aims to connect science and community around the many lakes in the Northern Highlands region of Wisconsin. Some examples of projects I am working on that develop practical applications from research include: 1) investigating the best techniques for and long-term outcomes of lake shoreland restoration, 2) developing strategies that make lakes more resilient to climate change, and 3) evaluating approaches to reduce negative impacts of invasive aquatic plants and maintain ecosystem function. Wisconsinites value our lake-rich landscape. Science can expand our basic knowledge of lakes and enhance our ability to address threats.

Research Topics: Limnology; lake level fluctuations; aquatic plant communities; climate impacts and adaptation; lakeshore habitat.