Anita Thompson
Position title: Faculty, Biological Systems Engineering
- Research Summary
- My research includes watershed engineering and management, hydraulic and hydrologic modeling, laboratory experimentation and field monitoring, and design/evaluation of conservation practices in urban and agricultural areas. Currently, my focus is: 1) urban hydrology and storm water management, 2) wintertime hydrologic/erosion processes, and 3) watershed-scale hydrologic and water quality impacts of land use and management. My research has addressed thermal pollution and mitigation; source identification, transport, storage and delivery of sediment, nutrient, and pathogens in urban and agricultural watersheds; hydrologic impacts of conservation developments; performance of engineered infiltration practices, treatment wetlands, and erosion control practices; surface and subsurface water and nutrient dynamics associated with biofuel cropping systems; and effects of snow cover and freeze-thaw cycling on soil erosion and nutrient migration.
- Website

Research Topics: Hydrology; water quality; sediment & nutrient transport; stormwater; erosion; modeling; cold season processes; watershed engineering & management.