3 12 x12 inches
Acrylic on canvases
In Collaboration with Maranda Miller, Natural Resource Educator (NRE), University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension
Healthy Soil: A Sustainable Agriculture Series depicts important aspects of sustainable farming in Wisconsin.
The first painting called “In the Soil” shows a cross-section of diverse vegetation, rich soil, the groundwater below, and a nearby stream. Diversity in plant life helps maintain soil health in farm fields. Water can be seen traveling through the soil and roots, making its way to the groundwater below and into the stream. Farming practices contribute to water quality as well, as water is essential to plant growth.
The second painting called “Communication” shows three people in a growing farm field. When farmers and nonfarmers share sustainable farming practices, it becomes just as important as implementing these practices. Communication and outreach are important in helping farmers take better care of their crops, soil, and water quality. Outreach and communication efforts are seen through demonstration farms in northeastern Wisconsin.
The third painting called “On the Farm” shows cows grazing in a pasture beside a farm field with a tractor. Through grazing techniques, livestock can revitalize nutrients in the soil below them, creating a cycle of nutrients through the plants and livestock. Farming techniques like covering the soil in non-growing seasons with crop residue and no-till farming allow for better soil quality and health on the farm. Traditional farming practices deplete soil health through growing one type of crop, excessive pesticide and fertilizer use, and diverging natural water sources like groundwater flow. This collaboration works to depict and bring awareness to sustainable agricultural practices to improve soil and water quality on farms in Wisconsin.