This sculptural piece was inspired by a community in rural Wisconsin whose drinking water contained harmful contaminants. This pieces was built using reclaimed materials, including a log from the artist’s childhood home. The red beads represent contaminants in water.
You’ll notice that the red beads flow from the faucet outside of the sink. If the containments are not going down the drain, where do you think they are going?
Anna Ofte is a recent graduate from UW-Madison.
Jen McNelly is a regional Natural Resource Groundwater Educator with UW-Madison Division of Extension. Jen’s work focuses helping communities in Central Wisconsin understand their groundwater and drinking water resources and developing tools to help local decision makers make informed management decisions. Jens work has spanned installing monitoring well networks in local communities to study the impacts and extent of groundwater contamination, conducting water quality testing programs, creating funding programs for the treatment of contaminated wells and offering a variety of educational and informational programs and materials on groundwater.