Weston Roundtable Series: Envisioning Tomorrow’s Energy Systems

1153 Mechanical Engineering 1513 University Avenue, Madison, WI, United States

Suzanne Baker, Creative Director, Fastest Path to Zero Initiative, University of Michigan The Fastest Path to Zero Initiative is working to support communities as they plan and pursue ambitious climate goals. We offer a variety …

Department of Geoscience Weeks Lecture Series

AB20 Weeks Hall for Gelogical Sciences 1215 W Dayton Street, Madison, WI, United States

Lise Retailleau, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Geophysics, Stanford University

Clean Lakes Alliance Community Awards

The Edgewater 1001 Wisconsin Pl, Madison, WI, United States

The Clean Lakes Community Awards recognizes the outstanding accomplishments of individuals and businesses working to protect our Yahara lakes. The awards honor the dedication of individuals and organizations making a difference in our watershed.