The Water@UW-Madison Executive Committee is an annually elected body responsible for programming decisions of the organization and working to achieve the mission and goals of Water@UW-Madison. If you have questions or suggestions for the Executive Committee, or you are interested in joining the committee for the next academic year, please contact one of the committee members.
Committee Co-Chairs
Mohan Qin
Position title: Faculty, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research Topics: Sustainable wastewater treatment, brackish water desalination
Eric Roden
Position title: Faculty, Geoscience
Research Topics: Soil and sediment biogeochemistry, microbial ecology, iron redox cycling, microbial mineral transformations, reactive transport modeling.
Outgoing Chairs
Michael Cardiff
Position title: Faculty, Department of Geoscience
Research Topics: Aquifer characterization, inverse problems, environmental decision-making under uncertainty, water supply systems
Yiying Xiong
Position title: Associate Director, Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Institute
Research Topics: Hydropower Engineering, Pumped-Storage, Dam Safety, Dam Removal, Fish Passage, Hydrology and Hydraulics, Climate Change, Biofuel
Nathan Jandl
Position title: Associate Director of Sustainability, UW-Madison Office of Sustainability
Research topics: Sustainability, communication, climate anxiety, environmental humanities, environmental literature
Zachary Feiner
Position title: Assistant Scientist & WDNR Research Liaison, Center for Limnology
Research Topics: Fisheries and aquatic ecology; Fisheries management; Eco-evolutionary dynamics; Climate change impacts on fish and fisheries; Food webs
Mohan Qin
Position title: Faculty, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research Topics: Sustainable wastewater treatment, brackish water desalination
Eric Roden
Position title: Faculty, Geoscience
Research Topics: Soil and sediment biogeochemistry, microbial ecology, iron redox cycling, microbial mineral transformations, reactive transport modeling.
Robert Johnson
Position title: Faculty, Department of Integrative Biology
Research Topics: Aquatic ecology and biogeochemistry; Coastal marine ecosystems; Herbivory and disturbance in tropical seagrass ecosystems.
Erica Majumder
Position title: Faculty, Bacteriology
Research Topics: Aquifer bioremediation; clogs and contaminants in sewerage systems.
Graduate Student & Postdoctoral Researcher Representatives
Emily Azevedo-Casey
Position title: PhD student, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies
Research Topics: nutrient management in watersheds, water quality policy, watershed stewardship and conservation, stakeholder engagement, collaborative planning, spatial data, social-ecological systems, science communication
Kyungdoe "Doe" Han
Position title: Postdoc, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Research Topics: Hydrology, ecology, groundwater, surface water, artificial intelligence, sustainability
Research Program Coordinator
Alison Mikulyuk
Position title: Research Program Coordinator
Research Topics: Aquatic plant ecology & management, aquatic invasive species, surface water restoration, art-science collaboration, interdisciplinary research.