Karst Model by Logan Maedke

Karst Model

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Karst Model 

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Karst bedrock allows relatively unfiltered water (and possibly contaminants) to quickly recharge the groundwater aquifers. The water flows through underground channels formed via dissolved conduits or fractures. Northeast Wisconsin and the Door County peninsula have a lot of karst bedrock features, which impacts how contaminants can move through systems. The complexity of karst systems can be confusing, but a visual illustration can help in explaining these features. Using a guide developed by Caroline Rose and Mike Parson, Logan Maedke constructed a physical model to illustrate groundwater movement through karst conduits using XPS foam insulation boards, waterproof sealant, and acrylics. This model will act as a starting point in order to develop a more complex model in the near future to be used as an “on-the-road” model for teaching and outreach.


Logan Maedke is a 4th year student at UW-Green Bay who is pursuing degrees in Design Arts and Geoscience. He is interested in our natural resources, environmental art, 3D modeling, and printmaking. He has some prints and things on his website here!

ABOUT THE Water Researcher

Dr. John Luczaj is a Professor of Geoscience in the Department of Natural and Applied Sciences.  John holds a B.S. in Geology from UW-Oshkosh, a M.S. in Geology from the University of Kansas, and a Ph.D. in Geology from Johns Hopkins University.  John worked as a senior scientist at an environmental consulting firm in Michigan before joining the faculty at UW-Green Bay in 2005.  His research focuses on deep aquifer systems, water-rock interaction, fluid-inclusions in minerals, karst systems, and sedimentary geology.

Funded by the Center for Humanities HEX-U Undergraduate Exchange.