Mystery of the Mutant Man Beaver by Patrick Hill

2024 Patrick Hill. Please do not use images/story without permission from artist/author.

Photo courtesy of Abigail Brown

5.5” x 8.5” 26 pages
Digital drawing software
In Collaboration with Matthew Steiger, DNR Superior WI

I wanted to engage younger audiences with a comic, give them a little story to enjoy and an idea of the restoration work being done on the St. Louis river. The idea is to make kids aware of the river cleanup, and also introduce the idea of things they can do to get involved. The idea came from a trip to Superior I went on and all the beaver activity I saw in the woods around the river. The seeding of wild rice and beach clean ups are based on the work Matthew Steiger shared with me as some of his favorite parts of his work on the restoration efforts he manages.


I’m a student at UWGB studying biology with a focus on ecology and conservation. I love to use art as a means to invite people to explore science and the world around them. I grew up all over the states and have always found natural spaces to be places of comfort and connection.


Matt Steiger has been with the Wisconsin DNR Office of Great Waters as the St Louis River Area of Concern Coordinator in Superior, WI since 2013. The Area of Concern work is a unique opportunity to make a difference in the Lake Superior basin with a variety of projects. Some of my favorite projects have been working with partners to design and implement projects like beach restoration, culvert replacements, and wild rice restoration. I also enjoy assisting with sediment and water sampling and public outreach and engagement.

You can learn more about this work at this link: