UW-Madison is an internationally-recognized center for water-related research, teaching, and outreach. Water@UW affiliated faculty and staff work in departments, colleges, and institutes across UW-Madison. Faculty emeritus are at the end of the page. To learn more about water research conducted at UW-Madison, visit our Water Story Map where you can also share your water story for us to feature!
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Samer Alatout
Position title: Faculty, Department of Community and Environmental Sociology
Research Topics: Global environmental policy and politics, environmental security/insecurity, bio-territorial framework of power and government
Christian Andresen
Position title: Faculty, Department of Geography
Research Topics: Arctic hydrology, ecology, wetlands, climate change, remote sensing and UAS (drones)
Robert Anex
Position title: Faculty, Department of Biological Systems Engineering
Research Topics: Biological systems analysis and assessment, life cycle assessment, techno-economic analysis
Michael Arnold
Position title: Faculty, Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Research Topics: Advanced nanostructured materials for water purification and desalination
Francisco Arriaga
Position title: Faculty, Department of Soil Science; Division of Extension
Research Topics: Applied soil physics, soil and water management and conservation, soil erosion, water quality, crop production
Emily Azevedo-Casey
Position title: PhD student, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies
Research Topics: nutrient management in watersheds, water quality policy, watershed stewardship and conservation, stakeholder engagement, collaborative planning, spatial data, social-ecological systems, science communication
Ian G. Baird
Position title: Faculty, Geography
Research Topics: Southeast Asia; Mekong River Basin; Mekong fish and fisheries; local ecological knowledge; political ecology of hydro power dams and fisheries in the Mekong Basin.
Nick Balster
Position title: Faculty, Department of Soil Science
Research Topics: Stormwater management, green engineering, restoration of retention basins and dam impoundments, wintertime water flows, urban waters, forest hydrology
David Bart
Position title: Faculty, Department of Planning and Landscape Architecture
Research Topics: Hydrologic characteristics and floristic quality of calcareous fens; legacy and current impacts of groundwater withdrawal, land-use change, climate change, and shrub encroachment; remote sensing
Laura Bates
Position title: PhD Student, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies
Research Topics: Stream ecology, watershed management, water quality, stakeholder engagement, nutrient management, biological indicators, limnology
Adam Bechle
Position title: Coastal Engineering Outreach Specialist, Wisconsin Sea Grant
Outreach Topics: Great Lakes water levels, coastal erosion, and flooding.
Michael Bell
Position title: Faculty, Department of Community and Environmental Sociology; Director, Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems
Research Topics: Sociology of perennial agriculture systems such as grazing and agroforestry, sociology of cover crops, sociology of climate change
Paul Block
Position title: Faculty, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research Topics: Hydroclimatology and water resources systems management; climate variability and season-ahead prediction; water quantity and water quality; disaster preparedness.
Robert Bohanan
Position title: Outreach Program Manager, WISCIENCE
Research Topics: Citizen science, urban ecology, storm water basin ecology, dragonflies of Wisconsin
Eric Booth
Position title: Scientist II, Plant and Agroecosystem Sciences; Wisconsin Energy Institute
Research Topics: Hydrologic impacts of climate and land-use; agroecosystems; water quality; flooding; wetland/stream restoration; fluvial geomorphology.
Dominique Brossard
Position title: Faculty, Department of Life Sciences Communication
Research Topics: Intersection of science, media and policy; risk communication.
Michael Cardiff
Position title: Faculty, Department of Geoscience
Research Topics: Aquifer characterization, inverse problems, environmental decision-making under uncertainty, water supply systems
Virginia (Ginny) Carlton
Position title: Education Outreach Specialist, Wisconsin Sea Grant
Research Topics: Environmental education, place-based education, adult education, Great Lakes literacy principles
Natalie Chin
Position title: Climate and Tourism Outreach Specialist Wisconsin Sea Grant
Research Topics: Climate change, tourism and outdoor recreation, regional modeling, community engagement
Chad Cook
Position title: Land & Water Outreach Program Manager, Division of Extension, Natural Resources Institute
Outreach Topics: Water quality and non-point source pollution impacts, forestry outreach to landowners, citizen science, invasive species
Ankur Desai
Position title: Faculty, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
Research Topics: Inland water biogeochemistry, surface-atmosphere exchange, ecosystem modeling, micrometeorology, climate change.
Ingrid Diran
Position title: Faculty, Department of English
Research Topics: environmental humanities, critical race studies, and critical theory (especially biopolitics and Marxism).
Hilary Dugan
Position title: Faculty, Center for Limnology, Department of Integrative Biology
Kevin Erb
Position title: Outreach Program Manager, Natural Resources Institute, Division of Extension
Research Topics: Manure spills; manure application technology; manure and animal waste management; karst and groundwater.
Deanna Erickson
Position title: Director, Lake Superior National Estuarine Research Reserve
Research Topics: Environmental education, place-based education, watershed, Lake Superior, restoration, remediation, Great Lakes Area of Concern, estuaries
Zachary Feiner
Position title: Assistant Scientist & WDNR Research Liaison, Center for Limnology
Research Topics: Fisheries and aquatic ecology; Fisheries management; Eco-evolutionary dynamics; Climate change impacts on fish and fisheries; Food webs
Michael Ferris
Position title: Faculty, Department of Computer Sciences; Director, Data Sciences Hub, Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery
Research Topics: Optimization modeling approaches for water management and energy applications.
Sarah FitzSimons
Position title: Faculty, Department of Art
Research Topics: Site-specific sculpture, installation art, water and architecture.
Jeremy Foltz
Position title: Faculty, Agricultural & Applied Economics
Research Topics: Economics of technology adoption; conservation agriculture; climate change; water and health outcomes.
Dante Fratta
Position title: Faculty, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research Topics: Geotomography, near surface geophysics, detection of anomalies in infrastructure, study of low strain stiffness in rock masses, geomaterial process evaluation
Ken Genskow
Position title: Faculty, Department of Planning and Landscape Architecture; Extension Specialist, Natural Resources Institute
Research Topics: Watershed planning, water policy, integration, collaboration, social indicators, human dimensions, governance, program evaluation
Gretchen Gerrish
Position title: Director, Trout Lake Research Station, Center for Limnology
Research Topics: Evolutionary ecology of aquatic invertebrates, zooplankton population and community ecology, life history evolution
Matthew Ginder-Vogel
Position title: Faculty, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research Topics: Environmental chemistry; biogeochemistry; water chemistry; X-ray absorption spectroscopy.
Tony Goldberg
Position title: Faculty, Department of Pathobiological Sciences
Research Topics: Ecology and epidemiology of infectious diseases of aquatic animals, including invasive pathogens with economic importance to Wisconsin
Laura Good
Position title: Research Scientist, Department of Soil Science
Research Topics: Nutrient management planning, conservation planning, runoff phosphorus, Phosphorus Index.
Caroline Gottschalk
Position title: Faculty, Department of English
Research Topics: Stream restoration, flooding, freshwater management, public engagement, narrative, Driftless Area
Linda Graham
Position title: Faculty, Department of Botany
Research Topics: Algae, bryophytes, periphyton, bacterial-autotroph associations, humic lakes, cellulose, technological applications of eukaryotic autotrophs
Corbett Grainger
Position title: Faculty, Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics
Research Topics: Marine fisheries management including catch shares and rights-based management
Claudio Gratton
Position title: Faculty, Department of Entomology
Research Topics: Landscape ecology, insect ecology and food webs, lake-land linkages, agriculture, bioenergy
Jeffrey Hadachek
Position title: Faculty, Agriculture and Applied Economics Department
Research Topics: Economics of groundwater pollution, agricultural conservation, and climate change impacts on agriculture.
Kyungdoe "Doe" Han
Position title: Postdoc, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Research Topics: Hydrology, ecology, groundwater, surface water, artificial intelligence, sustainability
Paul Hanson
Position title: Faculty, Center for Limnology
Research Topics: Carbon cycling, lake ecosystem modeling, aquatic sensor networks and cyber-infrastructure
Gregory W. Harrington
Position title: Faculty, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research Topics: Chemistry of drinking water treatment and distribution, removal of waterborne pathogens and microbes during drinking water treatment and distribution, mathematical modeling
Moira Harrington
Position title: Assistant Director for Communications Wisconsin Sea Grant
David Hart
Position title: Assistant Director for Extension, Aquatic Sciences Center
Research Topics: Application of geospatial technologies to Great Lakes issues (sustainable coastal development, coastal hazards, coastal heritage tourism)
David Hart
Position title: Hydrogeologist/Geophysicist
Research Topics: Borehole geophysics, flow logging, groundwater/surface water interaction, ground source geothermal, depth to bedrock
Jennifer Hauxwell
Position title: Associate Director of Research, Aquatic Sciences Center
Research Topics: Effects of nutrient loading on aquatic environments, aquatic plant ecology and management, water resource and fisheries management, research program administration
Karina Heim
Position title: Coastal Training Program Coordinator, Lake Superior National Estuarine Research Reserve
Katie Hein
Position title: Aquatic Research Scientist, UW Trout Lake Station, Center for Limnology
Research Topics: Limnology; lake level fluctuations; aquatic plant communities; climate impacts and adaptation; lakeshore habitat.
Leah Horowitz
Position title: Faculty, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, School of Human Ecology
Research Topics: environmental governance, grassroots ecological resistance, social movements, American Indian communities, Melanesia, political ecology, community responses to industrial development, social dimensions of biodiversity conservation, climate change activism
Sara Hotchkiss
Position title: Faculty, Department of Botany, Nelson Institute Center for Climatic Research
Research topics: Studies of vegetation history, climate history, ecosystem response to climate change, disturbance and landscape dynamics, paleoecology
Jessica Hua
Position title: Associate Professor, Forest and Wildlife Ecology Department
Research Topics: Ecology and Evolution, Disease Ecology, Ecotoxicology, Herpetology, Science Communication
Jingyi Huang
Position title: Faculty, Soil Science
Research Topics: Remote sensing, proximal soil sensing, machine learning, soil physics, soil modeling.
Anthony Ives
Position title: Faculty, Department of Integrative Biology
Research Topics: Population and community ecology; theory and statistical methods
Randy Jackson
Position title: Faculty, Department of Agronomy
Research Topics: Grassland ecosystem structure and fucntion, C sequestration and ecosystem services of grasslands, C balance and grassland management regimes, grassland and pasture management
Nathan Jandl
Position title: Associate Director of Sustainability, UW-Madison Office of Sustainability
Research topics: Sustainability, communication, climate anxiety, environmental humanities, environmental literature
Olaf Jensen
Position title: Faculty, Center for Limnology and Department of Integrative Biology
Research Topics: Fish ecology, fishery management, food webs, social-ecological systems
Rhiannon Jerch
Position title: Faculty, Agricultural & Applied Economics
Research Topics: Economics of cities, infrastructure, and environmental regulation.
Robert Johnson
Position title: Faculty, Department of Integrative Biology
Research Topics: Aquatic ecology and biogeochemistry; Coastal marine ecosystems; Herbivory and disturbance in tropical seagrass ecosystems.
William Karasov
Position title: Faculty, Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology
Chris Kucharik
Position title: Faculty, Plant and Agroecosystem Sciences
Research Topics: Climate and land management change impacts to food-energy-water nexus; ecological modeling; urban heat islands; nitrogen cascade; weather and soil monitoring.
Carrie Laboski
Position title: Faculty, Department of Soil Science; Division of Extension
Research topics: Soil fertility/nutrient management, manure nutrient availability, soil testing, nutrient cycling and movement, enhancing nutrient use efficiency.
James LaGro
Position title: Faculty, Department of Planning and Landscape Architecture
Research Topics: Green infrastructure, low-impact development/stormwater management, groundwater contamination/risks from septic systems
Rebecca Larson
Position title: Faculty, Department of Biological Systems Engineering; Division of Extension
Carol Eunmi Lee
Position title: Faculty, Department of Integrative Biology
Research Topics: Genetics of populations resistant to catastrophic change; rapid evolutionary responses to environmental change (biological invasions, climate change, oil spills, etc.)
Steve Loheide
Position title: Faculty, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research Topics: Hydroecology, water in the environment, stream and riparian resoration, groundwater, hydrologic and ecologic consequences of climate change
Noah Lottig
Position title: Research Scientist, Center for Limnology; Site Manager, North Temperate Lakes Long Term Ecological Research Program
Research Topics: Influence of hydroscape configuration on watershed carbon signatures, interactions between geomorphology and wrack disturbance in tidal creeks.
Erica Majumder
Position title: Faculty, Bacteriology
Research Topics: Aquifer bioremediation; clogs and contaminants in sewerage systems.
Katherine McMahon
Position title: Faculty, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research Topics: Water quality, eutrophication, wastewater treatment microbiology, environmental genomics, community assembly, bacteria-virus interactions
Jen McNelly
Position title: Groundwater Educator
Research Topics: Groundwater and drinking water quality and quantity in Central Wisconsin, Watershed Management of groundwater resources
Karen McShane-Hellenbrand
Position title: Faculty, Department of Dance
Research Topics: National Water Dance Project (Wisconsin statewide coordinator), arts integration curriculum development with water themes, site specific dance performance on or near waterways
Alison Mikulyuk
Position title: Research Program Coordinator
Research Topics: Aquatic plant ecology & management, aquatic invasive species, surface water restoration, art-science collaboration, interdisciplinary research.
Richard Monette
Position title: Faculty, Law School; Director, Great Lakes Indian Law Center
Research Topics: Water rights law (LAW 845), Indian and Federal Reserved Water Rights, legal counsel to parties in discussions or settlements of water rights
Anne Moser
Position title: Senior Special Librarian and Education Coordinator, Wisconsin's Water Library
Research Interests: Art + science, Great Lakes Literacy, place-based education, children’s literature, water librarianship
Maureen Muldoon
Position title: Hydrogeologist, Wisconsin Geological & Natural History Survey
Research Topics: Groundwater resources, groundwater quality, geology of aquifers, karst, monitoring fractured-rock aquifers.
Larry Nesper
Position title: Faculty, Department of Anthropology; Director, American Indian Studies Program
Research topics: Great Lakes Indian law and politics in the federal Indian policy era of Self-determination (post-1960s); development of the tribal courts in Wisconsin
Athena Nghiem
Research Topics: groundwater quality and sustainability, arsenic contamination in groundwater, trace element cycling across reservoirs, coupled biogeochemical and redox cycles, data-driven and modeling approaches to biogeochemistry, mineralogy, and hydrology
Hannah Nicklay
Position title: Monitoring Coordinator, Lake Superior National Estuarine Research Reserve
Research Topics: Water quality, wetland ecology, fisheries.
Daniel Noguera
Position title: Faculty, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research Topics: Biological wastewater treatment, biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal, anaerobic digestion, drinking water, bioenergy, biotechnology
Julia Noordyk
Position title: Water Quality and Coastal Communities Specialist, Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute
Research Topics: Great Lakes, coastal erosion, runoff and stormwater pollution, climate adaptation, community resiliency and sustainability
Michael Notaro
Position title: Director, Nelson Institute Center for Climatic Research
Research Topics: Regional and global climate modeling, land-atmosphere interactions, climate change impacts on the Great Lakes, K-12 science education and STEM, youth citizen science
Brian Ohm
Position title: Faculty, Department of Planning and Landscape Architecture; Division of Extension
Research Topics: Water law, including the Public Trust doctrine, riparian rights, coastal hazards, floodplain/shoreland zoning, stormwater ordinances, wetland ordinances
Mutlu Ozdogan
Position title: Faculty, Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies
Research topics: Remote sensing, hydrology, land-use/land-cover change
Dominic Parker
Position title: Faculty, Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics
Research Topics: Economics of ground and surface water conservation, commercial fishery management
Ned Paschke
Position title: Program Director, Department of Engineering Professional Development
Research Topics: Water and wastewater engineering, analysis and improvement of water and wastewater systems
Bobbi Peckarsky
Position title: Honorary Fellow, Department of Integrative Biology, Department of Entomology
Research Topics: Ecology of stream-dwelling organisms, evolution of predator-prey and grazer-algal interactions, invertebrates as indicators of stream water quality
Dan Phaneuf
Position title: Faculty, Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics
Research Topics: Environmental economics with specific expertise in non-market valuation; applied econometrics
Daniel Preston
Position title: Faculty, Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology
Research Topics: Freshwater ecology, food webs, host-parasite interactions, species invasions, environmental change
Bill Provencher
Position title: Faculty, Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics
Research topics: Environmental and resource economics, dynamics of resource use, value of ecosystem goods and services, management of freshwater resources, land use policies
Nimish Pujara
Position title: Faculty, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research Topics: Environmental fluid mechanics, nearshore hydrodynamics, turbulent and multiphase flows, flow-biota interactions, water wave mechanics, coastal processes, experimental methods
Mohan Qin
Position title: Faculty, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research Topics: Sustainable wastewater treatment, brackish water desalination
Jennifer Raynor
Position title: Assistant Professor of Natural Resource Economics, Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology
Catherine Reiland
Position title: Assistant Vice Provost, Office of the Provost
Research Topics: Performance studies, water narratives, tourist productions, visual cultures, photography, museum studies, and memory.
Kait Reinl
Position title: Research Coordinator, Lake Superior National Estuarine Research Reserve
Research Topics: Data science, aquatic ecology, algal blooms, cyanobacteria, water quality.
Christy Remucal
Position title: Faculty, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research Topics: Photochemical processes in natural waters, metal redox cycling, reactive oxygen species production, contaminant transformation
Adena Rissman
Position title: Faculty, Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology
Research Topics: Natural resource policy design and implementation, ecological outcomes of resource policy, social and legal adaptation to environmental change
Paul Robbins
Position title: Director, Nelson Institute for Envrionmental Studies
Research Topics: Human behavior (homeowner practices related to water quality), urban water management (mosquito habitat and breeding sites)
Morgan Robertson
Position title: Faculty, Department of Geography
Research Topics: Wetland restoration, Clean Water Act, environmental markets, wetland and habitat credit policy
Eric Roden
Position title: Faculty, Geoscience
Research Topics: Soil and sediment biogeochemistry, microbial ecology, iron redox cycling, microbial mineral transformations, reactive transport modeling.
Matt Ruark
Position title: Faculty, Department of Soil Science; Division of Extension
Research Topics: Efficient use and management of fertilizers and manures to reduce losses to surface and groundwater
Becky Sapper
Position title: Director, Wisconsin Master Naturalist Program, Natural Resources Institute, Division of Extension
Outreach Topics: Master Naturalist, volunteer management, stakeholder engagement, program facilitation, citizen science, invasive species, freshwater estuaries
Melissa Scanlan
Position title: Faculty affiliate UW-Madison Law School, Director of the Center for Water Policy at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee School of Freshwater Sciences
Research Topics: Water law and policy, climate change, administrative agencies, political economy, Great Lakes, Diversity-Equity-Inclusion, and social-ecological systems.
Titus Seilheimer
Position title: Fisheries Outreach Specialist, Wisconsin Sea Grant
Research Topics: Aquatic ecology; fish ecology; food webs; Great Lakes; fisheries; restoration; streams; coastal wetlands.
Bret Shaw
Position title: Faculty, Department of Life Science Communications; Division of Extension
Research Topics: Social marketing, outreach, aquatic invasive species, promoting natural shorelines
Doug Soldat
Position title: Faculty, Department of Soil Science; Division of Extension
Research Topics: Lawn and turfgrass maintenance, environmental impacts of turfgrass management, soil phosphorus, Pb-contaminated soils
Amy Stambach
Position title: Faculty, Department of Anthropology, Nelson Institute Center for Culture, History, and Environment
Emily Stanley
Position title: Faculty, Center for Limnology, Department of Integrative Biology
Research Topics: Aquatic ecosystem ecology and biogeochemistry, focusing in streams and lakes; computational limnology, long-term ecological research
Andrew Stevens
Position title: Faculty, Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics
Research Topics: Applied agricultural policy, food policy, groundwater, agriculture.
Paul Stoy
Position title: Professor, Biological Systems Engineering
Research Topics: Evapotranspiration from natural and managed ecosystems, evaporation/transpiration partitioning, regional climate processes, ecohydrology
Sue Swanson
Position title: Director and State Geologist, Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey
Research Topics: Groundwater-surface water interactions, springs, groundwater quality, groundwater flooding
Izabela Szlufarska
Position title: Faculty, Department of Materials Science & Engineering
Research Topics: Water/mineral interfaces, surface chemistry, interaction of water with nanomaterials, nanofluidics, molecular simulations
Manny Teodoro
Position title: Faculty, LaFollette School of Public Affairs
Research Topics: Utility management, regulation, communication, governance, environmental justice.
Anita Thompson
Position title: Faculty, Biological Systems Engineering
Research Topics: Hydrology; water quality; sediment & nutrient transport; stormwater; erosion; modeling; cold season processes; watershed engineering & management.
Philip Townsend
Position title: Faculty, Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology
Research Topics: Remote sensing and imaging spectroscopy, forest ecosystem dynamics, watershed hydrology and modeling, spatial analysis
Monica Turner
Position title: Faculty, Department of Integrative Biology
Research topics: Spatial heterogeneity in ecological systems, natural disturbances and ecosystems, fire ecology, western conifer forests, effects of climate and land-use change
Jake Vander Zanden
Position title: Director, Center for Limnology; Faculty, Department of Integrative Biology
Research Topics: Aquatic Ecology, limnology, fish ecology, food webs, aquatic invasive species, conservation biology
Steve Vavrus
Position title: Research Scientist, Nelson Institute Center for Climatic Research
Research Topics: Lake ice, sea ice, climate change, glaciers, floods, Great Lakes, seasonal rainfall forecasting, lake-effect snowfall, snow cover, extreme weather, Yahara Watershed
Dan Vimont
Position title: Director, Nelson Institute for Climatic Research; Faculty, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
Research topics: Mechanisms of climate variability and change, weather-climate interactions, global and regional impacts of climate change
Wei Wang
Position title: Faculty, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Research Topics: Designing, controlling, and navigating autonomous marine vehicles to address scientific and practical problems in aquatic environments related to water quality water sustainability, resilience, and climate change.
Yi Wang
Position title: Faculty, Department of Horticulture; Division of Extension
Research Topics: Irrigation management of sustainable vegetable crop production, with a focus on variable rate irrigation and other irrigation best management practices
Haoran Wei
Position title: Faculty, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research Topics: Emerging contaminants, sensing technology, water treatment.
Amy Wiersma
Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey
Research Topics: Groundwater resources, groundwater quality, geochemistry, isotopes
Grace Wilkinson
Position title: Faculty, Center for Limnology
Research Topics: Harmful algal blooms, ecosystem resilience, nutrient cycling, aquatic food webs.
Amy Workman
Position title: Director
Research Topics: Environmental education, place-based education, watershed, volunteer management, program facilitation, citizen science, invasive species, freshwater ecology, Wisconsin River, adult education, youth education
Daniel Wright
Position title: Faculty, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research Topics: Flood risk estimation and management, modeling of extreme rainfall, climate change impacts on hydrologic extremes, natural hazards modeling
Chin Wu
Position title: Faculty, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research Topics: Environmental fluid mechanics and limnology, surface wave dynamics, sediment transport, environmental monitoring, groundwater-surface water interactions
Yiying Xiong
Position title: Associate Director, Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Institute
Research Topics: Hydropower Engineering, Pumped-Storage, Dam Safety, Dam Removal, Fish Passage, Hydrology and Hydraulics, Climate Change, Biofuel
Christopher Zahasky
Position title: Faculty, Department of Geoscience Affiliate Faculty, Geological Engineering & Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies
Research Topics: Contaminant hydrogeology, experimental hydrogeology, water-energy nexus, sustainable energy resources
Emerit Faculty
Mary Anderson
Professor Emerit, Geology and Geophysics
Research Topics: Computer modeling of groundwater systems, geological characterization of heterogeneity, groundwater-lake systems
Anders Andren
Professor Emerit, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Director Emerit, Aquatic Sciences Center
Research Topics: Aquatic chemistry, remediation of contaminated water and sediments, Great Lakes contaminants, fisheries, invasive species, lake levels, aquaculture, Wisconsin groundwater issues
David E. Armstrong
Professor Emerit, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering and Environmental Chemistry & Technology Program
Research Topics: Aquatic chemistry, chemical limnology, nutrient cycles in lakes, chemical contaminants in aquatic systems
Ken Bradbury
Faculty Emerit, Department of Extension Faculty, UW-Madison; Affiliated Faculty Emerit, Department of Geoscience, UW-Madison
Research Topics: Groundwater movement, viruses in groundwater systems, hydrogeology of Wisconsin, wellhead protection, and groundwater recharge
Steve Carpenter
Free Range Scientist; Emerit Faculty, Department of Integrative Biology; Emerit Director, Center for Limnology
Research Topics: Aquatic Ecology, limnology, carbon cycle, eutrophication, food webs, phosphorus, land-water linkages, ecosystem models, social-ecological systems
Gene Clark
Emerit Coastal Engineering Specialist, Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute
Research Topics: Coastal engineering & resiliency, dangerous currents & beach safety, design and efficiency of ports, harbors, and marinas
Calvin DeWitt
Emerit faculty, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies
Research Topics: redox potentials at water/peat interface in wetland ponds, evaluation of negative skewness in ectotherm thermoregulation, ecosystem modeling, highway impacts on wetlands,wetland formation
John Exo
Retired Water Quality Programs Coordinator
Research Topics: Groundwater nitrates from agriculture; Coordinate CALS & Extension outreach and response to challenges of nitrates from agriculture
James Hurley
Emerit Director, Aquatic Sciences Center; Emerit Faculty, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research Topics:Chemical limnology, natural organic matter, nutrient cycling, Great Lakes research, bioaccumulation of contaminants, chemical interactions at the sediment-water interface
Sharon Long
Emerit Director, Applied Environmental Microbiology, Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene; Emerit Faculty, Department of Soil Science
Research Topics: Monitoring waterborne pathogens, microbial water contamination, source water protection, watershed management, methods of pathogen enumeration, bio-terrorism preparedness
Susan Knight
Emerit Research Scientist, Center for Limnology, Trout Lake Station
Research Topics: Aquatic Plant Identification and Outreach; Invasive aquatic plant research (Tolerance of invasive aquatic plants, testing biological control methods)
John J. Magnuson
Emerit faculty, Zoology and Emerit Director of the Center for Limnology
Research Topics: Long-term ecological research on lakes, analyses of lake ice time series, climate change impacts and adaptations, thermal ecology of fishes, landscape and invasion ecology of lakes.
Ken Potter
Emerit faculty, Department of Civil and Environment Engineering
Research Topics: Hydrological Modeling and Design, Stormwater, Estimation of Hydrologic Risk, Restoration of Aquatic Systems
Jim Skinner
Emerit faculty, Chemistry
Research Topics: Dynamics of condensed phase systems, time-dependent phenomena in liquids, supercritical fluids, crystalline and amorphous solids
William Sonzogni
Emerit faculty, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research Topics: Fate and transport of toxic contaminants, analytical chemistry of pollutants, chemical limnology, water resources management, environmental toxicology
In Memoriam
James F. Kitchell
Arthur Hasler Professor Emerit of Zoology and Emerit Faculty, Center for Limnology
Research Topics: Food web interactions and fisheries, Lake ecosystems, Marine ecosystems, Climate change effects on Lake Superior